Purpose led organisations do it better. Understanding why you come to work every day is critical - then working out an agreed way to behave and hold each other accountable. Few organisations get this right. Its more than words on a page and embedding this deep into your organisation is key. Organisations of the future understand that having a purpose beyond profit is the only way forward.
We will explore the nuances toward understanding the need for the system of recruitment to be conducive to unique needs of applicants. How do we humanise the frame for the entire process and what does this look like without compromising quality.
In 2019. Justine Figo had a small idea to make a difference to her profession. She could never have predicted the impact in her own life and the lives of others. While we are all catalysts for change, no one achieves anything of impact alone. Join Justine as she shares the deeply personal and interconnected story behind her new book 'On the Same Page, 5 Conversations for Top Team Cultures, with Exclusive Interviews from Leading People & Culture Executives'. Take time to consider the smallest shifts that you can make in your conversations to have the biggest impact. Walk away considering the difference these small shifts could make to your own hidden potential and the potential of the teams of people who surround you.
Equity, fairness in hiring while opening up previously untapped talent pools using modern technology. In this presentation Bas van de Haterd will showcase many examples of how augmenting the selection process with modern digital assessment technology crates a more fair and equitable selection process, hiring better quality candidates with more diverse backgrounds.
Using Neurodiversity as an example, we'll explore how to set your neurodivergent employees up for success, why you shouldn't just think of neurodiversity recruitment as programs to hire more programmers, why authenticity is critical, and how to be the change in your organisation.
When we use our strengths at work, we’re extra productive, perform better, are more engaged and have greater wellbeing. So focusing on strengths is a smart strategy for business success and supports diversity as everyone is able to bring their best self to work. Yet only a minority of workers know their strengths and fewer are able to use them in their jobs. Traditionally, we’ve been encouraged to focus on improving our weaknesses, but this only ever leads to average performance. The aim of this session will be to shift mindsets to focus on what’s right not what’s wrong, to learn more about strengths, including how they can be identified and leveraged in the workplace.
Join the crew from TaPod as they break down Talentpalooza in their own unique way. It's a Quiz Show... It's a chance to get to know our industry a little better... But most importantly it's a way to close the event on a high and hit the Bar. We guarantee nothing... but hope you will be educated, entertained and energised! Screen reader support enabled.
Do you know where your best hires come from? Or how quality applicants find you? Being able to confidently answer these questions means the difference between strategic recruitment and “spraying and praying”. In this session, we’ll deep-dive into a key recruitment metric to highlight the most effective sourcing channels on the market today. This session will combine PageUp research with real-life case studies from our customers to give the audience an understanding of the most effective sourcing channels. We’ll look at industry benchmarks and compare the effectiveness of a range of channels —from social media to job boards, careers sites and more.
Employee-generated content is 200% more effective at engaging candidates than company-driven material. People want to hear from a real person abou why they should work at a company. The problem is, creating and sharing employee stories hasn’t always been easy —until now. Employee stories help you engage jobseekers and convince them to hit ‘apply’. This session will show how technology can help you harness the power of employee-generated content, focusing on how to create and distribute it in a scalable, authentic way.
Metacognition - awareness and understanding one's own thought processes. Hung will cover why when the external goes unstable, it's super important to get some control internally. Understanding why we feel the way we do. How to recognise it, counter act and as a manager, how to anticipate it in your team.
Beyond the fair and equitable procedures and a commitment to advancing people on merit, many workplaces operate a highly-functioning mirrortocracy. This 45-minute workshop asks how Talent can create the shift in their organisation from words of equality, to deeds and in doing so, co-create a better solution that gets more from their DE&I dollar. We don't pretend you will walk away with the answers today.- but you will walk away with some new thinking.
Is marketing really making a difference to People and Culture?
To increase the organisation's presence within the First Nations community. We will achieve this by creating a tailored recruitment process while showcasing their commitment to engaging with and creating career pathways for First Nations people. The organisation has committed to and Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 3 years commencing last October 2020 to October 2023 appropriately named Country, Truth and Our Shared Story.While the organisation continues the work towards shared prosperity and privileging First Nations voices, the Elevate actions in this RAP are designed to move our company and our industry closer to this vision and to a reconciled nation. Our commitment to First Nations people is important to our customers, business partners and employees.There are four pillars which are the key focus areas for First Nations recruitment. They are as follows: Community and Stakeholder Engagement - Engage with First Nations community to promote careers at Lendlease. Attraction – Attract First Nations talent to the organisation. Assessment and Selection – Increase First Nations applicants progressing through the recruitment process. Reporting and Analytics – Improve reporting analytics.